Damage to your concrete slab is a common issue when it comes to your foundations. This is especially the case because here in the southern parts of the country, we have shallower frost lines. This constant swelling and shrinking of the ground will put much stress on your concrete slab and can eventually lead to failure from cracking or chipping. That is why it is critical to protect your concrete slab with proper repairs to maintain the structural integrity of your residential or commercial space. Here at Frisco Foundation Repair, we can be there for you whenever you require concrete slab and pier beam repairs for your home or business. Please let us know who we can be of service for you today.
spotting Concrete Slab Damage
Often it is straightforward to detect if your building is suffering from damage on the concrete slab. The most common ways to spot this are with cracking of external brick, cracking of the internal sheetrock on your walls, and if doors or windows are sticking. TX can be a warm and dry region, and when your property has very shallow footings, they can be very susceptible to foundation problems. Even your flooring can begin to crack or show signs of it becoming unlevel. When you notice these signs, then it is imperative that you call in the experts to help you right away. We are the foundation repair specialist that can help you with any of your concrete slab repairs needs.
Repair Solutions
There are always many ways to approach repairs of any kind. As well, many types of damage can occur and levels of severity. When you want the best and least invasive, then you owe it to yourself to give us a call. We use helical piles to repair your damaged concrete slab if your house has become unlevel. This method usually takes 1- or 2-days, leaving things in top notch condition afterward. If cracking is an issue, we have a type of cement glue that we can use to in a sense weld the slab back together. Bother ways we are barely in your way, and in most cases, property owners will not be affected.
However, sometimes damage can be severe, and we may have to demolish part of your foundations to get it properly repaired. Our crew makes sure that if this is the case that the area is closed off from other personal and that the building is appropriately jacked up so we can get to work repairing the foundation without affecting the rest of the property.
There For Your Concrete Slab
No matter how little or big your concrete slab has been damaged, or the kind of repairs needed. When you require foundation repair experts, then you have come to the right place. Please give us a call or email today if you start to notice any of the problems we mentioned above before it is too late. We are here for your concrete slab foundations in Frisco, TX.